Несколько раз былив Научном центре, благо, до него нам на такси ехать минут 10-15.. но первый раз побывали на водной детской площадке. Вход туда только тем, кто приобрел билет в сам Научный центр. Просто так с улицы на площадку не забраться. Работает она, соответственно так же, как и сам центр, то есть с 10 утра до 6 вечера ежедневно ( закрыта каждый первый понедельник месяца ) В самом центре, сразу у входа на площадку есть туалеты с душами, там же есть и фен, чтобы посушить волосы. Вообще в центре кондеи работают на полную, в помещении прохладно, после купания карапузы рискуют заболеть, так что не забывайте сушить им волосы. Если вдруг вы забыли купальные принадлежности и полотенца, то они продаются в Саенс Центре (подробности узнать можно на месте, так же в душевых висят объявления )
Подробности об аттракционах на площадке:
Water works at Science Center is one very interesting water play place. Of course, being one of the exhibits at Singapore Science Centre, it is not meant for water play per se but where kids can learn about the water cycle and other cool science concepts at the same time. It is also probably many kid’s favorite section in the science centre.
Water MazeIt is possible to walk through the maze without getting wet, but kids were having more fun experiencing the pressure for the water that shoots up to form the maze wall. Many of them transfer the balls from the vertex loop here to find that the balls can stand on the water if they position it the right way.
The balls being kept in the air by the sprouting water jets on the water maze
Kids love to get wet in the water mazeWater Clock Tower
Turn the wheels at the bottom of the tower to pump water into the buckets. The first bucket that fills will be tip over and water will spill on the one standing below.
Learn about gravity and weight when you get drench as the bucket of water falls
Vortex Hoop
This is probably the favorite exhibit with the kids here. There is a funnel in the center with a little pool beneath and giant cylinders that demonstrate how a vortex is form in water and the effects it cause.
Kids can throw the little plastic balls into the funnel.
The plastic balls will then roll into the cylinder with vortex.
The vortex hoop suck the ball in.
The vortex loop and another exhibit that demonstrate the Coandă EffectGiant Dryer
A giant dryer which the wet can dry themselves only to get wet again.Water Saver
How much water does our daily activity uses? Learn while having fun spraying jets of water into each container.
Water SaverWater Symphony
The water jets are use like the stylus of an old fashion gramophone on a perforated metal disc. When different water shots at different portion of the spinning metal disc, and produce sound of different notes. The sound is amplified by the drum.
Water SymphonyYou can play a song with the Do Re Me Fa So buttons on the device.
Play a song on the buttonsGiant Hand Pump
This is not a see saw but a giant hand pump. Move the giant pump handles up and down to increase the air pressure in the cylinder. When the pressure is high enough, the water will shoot out from the top.
Giant Hand PumpWashing up after the fun.
There is a changing area with lockers and showers at the entrance of the section, which is really after all the water fun the kid have. There is even interesting water facts about water on the walls!
Even the bathroom have interesting science tip bits about water.Where: 15 Science Centre Road Singapore 609081
$$$: Admission charges to Science Centre applies.($9 for adults and $6 for kids)
Hours: Daily 10 am – 6 pm. Water works is closed on the first Monday of every month for maintenance.For more information, check out Science Centre’s Website
источник: http://www.kidsandparenting.com
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